Flight Centre
Flight Centre is the most recognized and trusted mass travel retailer in South Africa, with a wide range of travel products for every type of traveller. From flights, holiday packages, tours, cruises, car hire and more, we cater for all travel needs and open up the world to those who want to see! Visit us in-store or call us on 011 476 1647
Contact Person:
Christoffel Van Zyl
Telephone: (011) 476 1647
Email Us: Send an email
Store Details
Products: Flights, holidays, hotels, car hire, cruises, travel
Web Address: https://www.flightcentre.co.za/
Shop Number: BL14
Landmark: Lower Level, near Dischem Pharmacy.
Mon – Sat 7:00 – 19:00
Sun & Pub Holidays 7:00 – 17:00
Cards Accepted: